How to Be Healthy

How to Be Healthy
Healthy living can help you reduce your risk for heart disease, stroke, and some
cancers. It can also help you stay at a healthy weight and prevent or control
Eating a balanced diet, staying active sports.aseancoverage, and learning to manage stress are all
important for being healthy. Together, these habits can help you live a long, happy,
and productive life.

How to Be Healthy Without Restricting Foods: 8 Tips for Success
What to eat
Choose a variety of foods from all food groups, including fruits, vegetables, protein,
and whole grains. Avoid added sugars and trans fats Focus on eating a wide variety
of colors, including dark green, red, yellow, and orange vegetables.
Be sure to choose whole grain products, such as breads, pasta, and cereals. These
foods have more fiber and other nutrients than refined carbohydrates.
Drink milk and other dairy products regularly, choosing low-fat or fat-free options.
Limit fruit juices and other beverages with added sugar.
Maintain good personal hygiene by washing your hands often. Washing your hands
before preparing meals and after using the bathroom can help you protect against
germs, which can cause illness and infection.
Get at least 30 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous exercise most days of the week.
This can include walking, dancing, sports, and other activities you enjoy.
Make these activities a regular part of your life and stick with them. It may take a
little work at first, but you’ll soon see that these activities are enjoyable and that
they have positive effects on your health.
Try to eat a healthy breakfast each day, as well. This helps you feel energized
throughout the day and will keep you from overeating later on.

Okay, I'm Eating Healthy, But Why Am I Always so Hungry?
Consider serving sizes when eating out or making a meal at home. A cup of meat,
fish or chicken should be about the size of a deck of cards and half a cup of mashed
potatoes, rice or pasta is about the size of a traditional light bulb.
When cooking, choose olive oil instead of vegetable or margarine and avoid adding
too much salt or cheese. You can also use a nonstick pan to cook your food.
Be sure to include protein at every meal, but choose leaner cuts of meat and
poultry, such as turkey or chicken without skin. Nuts and seeds, beans, and eggs are
also great sources of protein.
A diet high in fiber and low in calories, sodium, and saturated fats can help you
lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk for heart disease and some cancers.
Consume plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains to get the fiber and
other nutrients you need.
Identify and eliminate the factors in your life that increase your stress level. Learn to
manage your stress by combining a healthy diet, physical activity and relaxation

Be aware of your sleep patterns and get enough rest to function at your best each
day. A lack of adequate sleep can have many negative consequences, from fatigue
and headaches to increased depression and anxiety.